Writs of Habeas Corpus & Appeals

Texas Writs of Habeas Corpus / Appeals Lawyer

Defendants who feel they have been wrongfully convicted of a crime have several options available to them. Direct appeals and writs of habeas corpus are all measures defendants can take to contest or overturn their conviction.

An appeal is a request to a higher court to review a conviction that arose at the trial court level. The defendant may appeal the actual conviction or just the sentencing decision of the trial court. A conviction is difficult to overturn and is usually only done if the trial court made an error of law that was deemed harmful to the defendant, and the defendant’s lawyer preserved the issue for appeal. Time is of the essence and notice of appeal must be made quickly after the conviction. Mr. Aristotelidis is a board-certified appellate specialist in criminal law, by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS).

When a defendant is not entitled to an appeal for any number of reasons, a writ may be the best course of action. A writ is often a challenge of last resort, and barring exceptions, must include all possible grounds for relief, and can only be presented once. Writs often involve complex factual and legal analysis and should be filed only by an experienced criminal defense attorney.

Time is of the essence concerning writs and appeals. Notice must be made quickly after a conviction that the defendant intends to appeal. Time limitations also apply to writs. Although a notice does not need to be filed, the writ needs to be filed shortly after a convict learns that their conviction is wrongful.

Jorge Aristotelidis is a criminal defense attorney skilled in writs and appeals. He has successfully researched and written many writs and appeals resulting in the reversal of charges and dismissal of cases. If you have a conviction you want overturned contact our office today. Time is of the essence so do not delay. Protect your rights and your freedom. Seek the experience of a qualified criminal defense attorney. Mr. Aristotelidis serves the entire state of Texas and takes federal cases nationwide. Call or Email us today.

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